


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

                                                            LAUGH IT OUT

Jump! Grasshopper jump!

Skelewu was given an assignment to find out what would happen to a grasshopper after all its leg as been ripped off. Skelewu couldn't do it on his own so he brought the grasshopper along with him to school.

In the teacher's presence Skelewu started taking the legs out one after the other Skelewu said (after removing the first leg) "Jump! Grasshopper jump!" the grasshopper jumped he did this as he removed legs and the grasshopper kept jumping upon removing the last leg Skelewu said again "Jump! Grasshopper jump!" but the grasshopper didn't move, the teacher who as been watching the whole drama then asked Skelewu "so Skelewu, what happens to a grasshopper whose legs as been ripped off?"

Skelw smiled and said "It looses IT'S ABILITY TO HEAR"

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